Launching in North Cove

February 1, 2010   

Rothera Dive team (-Terri) on brash ice – myself, JJ and Mel

slip launching
Several times this month with the crane has been in service or needed somewhere else on Base so we have had to launch the boats in North Cove for diving. The problem is that if the tide is falling the brash ice gets left on the beach and our trailers can’t get over the ice. We were moving it away by hand but seeing as it was taking too long I decided to call in the heavy machinery! It comes to something when you need a JCB to get you out diving.



2 Responses to “Launching in North Cove”

  1. Kate, Simon and James

    If I have my timing right it must be your birthday down there (give or take an hour), so sending you Happy Birthday wishes for an enjoyable day whatever adventurous activity you end up doing!
    Lots of love,
    K, S and J, xxx

  2. All of your Florida friends with you a very Happy Birthday too! Looks like you’re having the adventure of a lifetime there but I’m glad I’m here where it’s 72ยบ!!!

    Happy Birthday and stay safe!