Day 6 Update

July 12, 2010   

P1000009Everyday the anglo-american side of the crew has to explain an english word to the french contingent. Yesterday it was subservient. As the whole conversation developed one crew said well not like my partner she isn’t a wallflower and the other was like nor like mine she is pretty strong willed.

Yesterday with the brief sunlight I washed my hair on the transom which felt great and that started a rush of preening amongst the crew. The brief sun was very nice before we were plunged into a deep sea fog as a result of warm air mass hitting the cold water. Last night a fine mist set in soaking most aboard to the bone it was noticeable when turning the maglite on for sail trim as the water droplets glinted in the torchlight.
Also yesterday Delicate Balance went storming by and I had a brief conversation with a friend aboard on the VHF unfortunately for them they have no instruments and are having problems with downloading grib files with their sat phone. It made us a little envious aboard seeing them come from the horizon behind to beyond the horizon ahead with ease!
When I asked David if he was enjoying his first ocean race his reply was yes but I am not going to make a career out of it. The next I heard from him was this mornings sarcastic comment well at least we have the sun out! This in response to coming on deck to a slate gray sea and monochrome white sky. We asked the navigator if we were in the North Sea as it definitely doesn’t feel like the fun race to Hawaii with blue skies and seas that are promised,

Our top speed yesterday was 14.8 with a reef in the main and the blast reacher. We have put reefs in and out over the last 24 hours depending on the wave set and wind speed if done at the right time it really doesn’t change our boat speed and also stops us from throwing Wayne out of the starboard bunk!

My brothers mother in law made a great hot milk sponge cake which the crew devoured along with all the other great and copious food we have on-board so despite our drop to 6th place the mood aboard is not that bad.

on the VHF unfortunately for them they have no instruments and are having problems with downloading grib files with their sat phone. It made us a little envious aboard seeing them come from the horizon behind to beyond the horizon ahead with ease!

When I asked David if he was enjoying his first ocean race his reply was yes but I am not going to make a career out of it. The next I heard from him was this mornings sarcastic comment well at least we have the sun out! This in response to coming on deck to a slate gray sea and monochrome white sky. We asked the navigator if we were in the North Sea as it definitely doesn’t feel like the fun race to Hawaii with blue skies and seas that are promised,

Our top speed yesterday was 14.8 with a reef in the main and the blast reacher. We have put reefs in and out over the last 24 hours depending on the wave set and wind speed if done at the right time it really doesn’t change our boat speed and also stops us from throwing Wayne out of the starboard bunk!

My brothers mother in law made a great hot milk sponge cake which the crew devoured along with all the other great and copious food we have on-board so despite our drop to 6th place the mood aboard is not that bad.


One Response to “Day 6 Update”

  1. Oh, I would love to have been a fly on the boom for the “subservient” conversation! Glad to hear you are having fun and educating the french contingent. Best – Brooke