Recreating the Hurley photo

November 15, 2010   

On Sunday Rob, Alastair and I climbed up Mount Duse which is just above station with camera and tripod to recreate a photo taken by Hurley in 1915. The result you can see below. We had tried with a different group a few weekends before but didn’t realise that it was actually two plates put together until we read a book on station about Hurley and the Trans Antarctic photos that he took. It was a beautiful day for the small climb – just glad we didn’t have a large camera in tow like they did 95 years ago!

Thanks Alastair for doing a great job with stitching the two photos together after taking them!


2 Responses to “Recreating the Hurley photo”

  1. Thanks very much for explaining this picture, as Alastair had not explained it very well & we now understand what you were doing, why & how!
    I got to your blog from the back of the calendar so will now have great fun reading about the things you have been doing since going down south a few short weeks ago.
    By the way, are more calendars available & if so where from, ta muchly.

  2. Cool!