Without computer

February 8, 2012   

My computer spit the dummy and can no longer find the hard drive. Fingers crossed that someone in the UK can get the files off otherwise I have lost all my emails from 7 years, my accounting for my business, all documents and my pictures from south america. So time to buy a new computer. As a result my blog will be very infrequent between now and April.


Currently I am in Lake Tittaccacca Peru which is the highest lake in the world. Two days here then onto Colca Canyon and Arequipa. From the 14th I will be working aboard Corinthian II as an expedition leader for two round trips to the Antarctic Peninsula from Argentina.


3 Responses to “Without computer”

  1. We are so proud of what you did accomplish – it’s about the total journey, not just about not summiting. Get better and we can’t wait to see you in the Bay Area.

    xoxo Suzanne

  2. Thanks Suzanne looking forward to coming home soon too! Peru is cold and wet – mum says she is finally ready to take people seriously when they say there is a wet season!!

  3. Well done ashley