Mammal Rescue

December 7, 2012   

I was on call for the Marine Mammal Center last week. There are not normally many calls at this time of year so I helped out loading four sea lions to be released at Chimney Rock. One was a big guy and the others small.

I got one call to go an assess a sea lion at Kirby Cove. which was quite lethargic and malnurished. I will have to get to know what sea lions normally act like as they are different to furries.

I hung out at the beach which had a beautiful view of SF while two people came down from the center and two other rescue volunteers. We wheeled the cage down to the beach. The stranding intern had the net and ran in to attempt to capture it however, a big wave came in and took out Ben who was boarding in an attempt to stop her from making her way into the surf. I was also in the surf so got a little damp but not as damp as Ben got.

A beautiful view of Rodeo Beach from the Marine Mammal Center.


One Response to “Mammal Rescue”

  1. Great work AP, what fun love mum and dad taking a break from card writing