Tractor driving, crane driving and boating

November 21, 2009   

On friday I spent the morning cleaning some things in the boatshed followed by a morning of learning how to drive the tractor and a refresher on the crane. I use the tractor and the crane every day several times a day as everytime the boat is used it is launched and then taken out the minute you get back to the dock.

The afternoon was taken up going out with some divers in soutDSC_0506h cove and then going for a ‘jolly’ with base commander to see all the dive sites around Ryder Bay and the landing areas for the huts that are on the islands nearby. It was amazing weaving around massive icebergs and little bergy bits. The iceburgs are beautifully scupltured and depending on how the light hits them are turqoiuse blue or even pink. It was quite mild -1C but next time I think I will wear my liner gloves as well as my work gloves. By the time we got the boats out and the engines flushed it was time to go in for dinner.
After dinner we walked around the point for the third time since we have been here. However, this time we were treated to a science talk about all the different science happening on the point. There are instruments that measure shooting stars and their trail apparently there are 4 per minute. This information is useful as it allows us to learn what is happening 60-90km into the atmosphere with regards to the wind direction and speed.
There is a memorial at the top of the point to people who have died while working from Rothera. Including one for Kirsty the marine assistant, a number of guys who ended up on sea ice that broke up and stranded them and also for an air crew that hit an iceberg just at the end of the runway on take off.

It was another late night as there is just too much to do on base. Adam serviced my skis ready for some skiing hopefully this afternoon.


2 Responses to “Tractor driving, crane driving and boating”

  1. Who is who in the picture.? Cannot even recognise my own daughter. No more tales of who was killed please AShley

  2. From left to right Adam, Dickie, Claire and myself