
June 30, 2011   

Not the best picture sorry.. this is the library at Grytviken which is housed in the back of the church. It has many books from the other whaling stations which were brought to this library when the other stations were left to the elements. There are many books in Norwegian as well as English.

This morning big snowflakes started to fall around 9am and by 10:30 the whole place was blanketed in deep snow. However, by my lunch time run it was starting to get slushy and sleet so that by this evening we had rain and it was like walking through a slurpy. If it is cold tonight it will be slippery sheet ice tomorrow so I hope it rains overnight and I have a clear path for a run tomorrow. This evening while on my ‘bike’ ride I was in the era of Edward I through III with the battles on Stirling Bridge and Banoc Burn, William Wallace and Robert the Bruce. The rise of parliament in Britain and the attempt of the Platagonet Kings to rule over England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.


2 Responses to “Library”

  1. Sutter Schumacher

    What’s the story with the big egg-shaped rock (I presume) and wood on which it’s perched?

  2. I had to run over to the church to make sure I gave you the right story. So here it is. The rock is from Ireland put there by the Tom Crean Society South Pole Inn (pub he started in Ireland when he retired from Antarcti exploration) commemorating his part in three expeditions. This is all carved in the stone don’t know about the wood but that is chiselled. Check out