Onto Signy

March 30, 2010   

Last night we loaded cargo and people on at Jubany in the south shetland islands and are now 20 hours away from Signy on the south orkney islands. Jubany is one of the three stations in Antarctica that has a dive chamber so last night I was talking to one of the scientists about the diving there. They do pretty limited diving this season collecting sediment cores from 30m. The station was a large collection of small red buildings with a large rock outcrop (a very miny table mountain) behind. Off to the left was a patch that was slightly green – maybe grass?

Only 4 FIDS got to go ashore to help with cargo. The rest of us watched as they launched the small tiller steered Humber and the large landing craft. The snow had stopped so we did have a good view of the station and it was a lot less windy then our stop at Deception Island.

The wind is behind us now as we rock and roll towards Signy at 12.5 knots. I must go off to the gym to work off all the amazing food that gets laid in front of us everyday onboard. I will be on Gash on thursday.


2 Responses to “Onto Signy”

  1. So, who cooks alll this yummy food, and where does it come from ? xx mum

  2. The two cooks onboard.