
June 7, 2011   

Snowy sheathbill ‘footprint’ in the snow they are found all around the rocky shorelines as you can see from the print unlike true seabirds they don’t have webbed feet.

I took this at St Andrews hence all the penguins behind – they strut around waiting opportunistically for food! They are scavengers if we don’t remember to put the VHF mic away they will peck away the buttons and I have seen them attempt to peck the grease off the cable for hoisting the jet boats out.

”Sheathbills nest in rocky crevices in summer, usually near penguin colonies, where the scavenging is best and where they seem to have no fear. On occasion, they have been observed to disturb adult penguins to the point of successfully stealing food right from the mouths of feeding chicks. This is typically accomplished by the focal bird when it strategically displaces the chick before the parent finishes complete regurgitation. Food is dropped onto the ground and the result is a happy sheathbill and a hungry penguin chick.”


2 Responses to “Sheathbills”

  1. Did you know that there is a Snowy Sheathbill Society! Everything you always wanted to know;

  2. do not think we will try that with the kids !