Stunning Saturday Ski

September 3, 2011   

This morning not too early Rob, Tommy and myself headed up to the Duse Plateau to find some snow. After a while we found a great slope with perfect snow if not a little thin in places.

Poor Tommy had a massive fight with a rock and caused some damage to his board but with his helmet on his head survived!

It was a really warm day and we ended up doing 4 or 5 runs after sitting at the top for 1/2 hour enjoying the view out Cumberland Bay.

After getting back to base around 3:45 I had a drink and then headed back out as the tide was really low leaving a wide open beach perfect for a run over to Grytviken and back. Then time for a sauna as someone had put it on earlier in the afternoon before Saturday night dinner. Pretty great day all in all.


One Response to “Stunning Saturday Ski”

  1. Hope you are o.k. Tommy. Ashley once dislocated my shoulder when she was young, came down a slope on a sled, Bill said catch her, I did , my shoulder went on down the slope before we stopped inches from a frozen river x mum