Paige, James, Pat and myself went up to Seattle last week and met up with Chad aboard the Oyster 82 Darling. I haven’t been to Seattle that I remember (I am sure I went as a kid) but unfortunately there was no time to hang around as we had a delivery to do so we went from the airport to the boat. Most pictures below are by Paige Brooks.
Before leaving the dock it was time for a safety briefing to orientate everyone to where safety equipment was and what we expected in a emergency situation.

In the lock to get out to the ocean from Lake Union no wiggle room!

Paige and I on Puget Sound with boats racing the monday night series behind.

This is the nav station on the boat.

On watch somewhere along the coast.

Chad with his catch.

Chad having filleted his tuna on the swim platform.

Whale spotting
Humpback whale waving hello with fishing vessel behind.
Another humpback whale – there were quite a few. It was great to see wildlife again as it has been very sterile the last few years I have been out there.

Fresh tuna served courtesy of Paige and Chad.
The galley aboard the boat where Chad and Paige made many delicous things.

We did a lot of motoring downwind in light air sometimes with the jib and only a few hours with the main.