In St Thomas USVI
We left Antigua (Sean, Hannah and myself) on monday afternoon on the Class 40 called 40 degrees and delivered it to St Thomas for the Rolex Regatta. We got in at 1:30am on wendesay morning and after clearing customs and immigration headed to the regatta site at St Thomas YC. Today thursday we practiced for quite a long time getting all the manouvers down with 10 people aboard which is quite a few for this design of boat. We will be here racing till monday morning then head to the BVI. Check out the action at
East coast lobster
Diving in Bermuda
My sister in law and I went diving today which was great fun. Our first dive was on a wreck of the Pelinaion. See the video below for what the wreck looks like.
The Greek steamer, Pelinaion, was built in 1907 by Russell & Company, Port Glasgow, for Hill SS. Company, Ltd. and originally named Hill Glen. She was 385 feet in length, had a 49.9 foot beam, was powered by 384 n.p.h triple expansion engines and displaced 4,291 gross tons. In 1914, she was sold and re-named Doonholm. After serving with a number of British tramp owners, she was sold in 1927 to G.K. Ktistakis, Chios, Greece, and renamed K. Ktistakis. In 1939, she was re-named once again the Pelinaion.
On December 22, 1939, the ship sailed from Takiradi, West Africa, for Baltimore, Maryland, with a cargo of iron ore. On January 16,1939, under the command of Captain Janis Valikos, while heading for Bermuda to take on fuel, she was wrecked off David’s Head, Bermuda. Captain Valikos was apparently unaware that St. Davids Light was out due to the war, and he inaccurately calculated the position of his ship.
Today, the Pelinaion lies scattered in 65 feet of water. Her engine stands upright coming to within 10 feet of the surface, and her bow sits in only 20 feet of water. Mike Burke tells us of a tunnel like cave that starts on the reef, which allows divers to swim under the ship’s hull and end up in her stern. Divers can see her deck winches, propeller and anchor while exploring this magnificent shipwreck.
The second dive was a reef dive and we saw tarpen that were about 4-5 feet long, went through arches in the reef and saw a school of groupers.
A few photos of work as Expedition Staff on Corinthian II
In the swing of things! on the crane after a landing. Luckily the guys didn’t have a pile of snowballs like when we pelted Jonathon!
The team was great fun to work with. I don’t think I have been that silly and laughed that hard for a number of years! Snotty nose (jelly fish parts) at Deception!
Chris, Jonathon, myself and Iggy waiting for the others to set up their cameras for a team shot. Sunny day at Deception Island.
Breakfast on the veranda at Port Lockroy we took the zodiacs around while the ship repositioned so had time for coffee before the tourists needed to be offloaded to the island.
Finally arrived in Bermuda and the dog and my nephew remember me despite it being 20 months Happy Aunt Ash
I got to Lima late last night and have spent the day so far just replying to emails and organising the boat for Rolex and BVI regatta. In 12 days I will be arriving in Antigua and re learning how to race yachts ;-). First thing is to get a CSA rating for the boat then deliver it with Sean and Hannah to St Thomas via BVI to meet Barry and the rest of the team.
In the meantime I was able to catch up with Will and his family in Buenos Aires. Last time I sailed with him was 2007 in Newport RI on Yeoman XXXII it was great fun to see him and meet his wife and boy even if it was only briefly at the airport. Tomorrow in New York I have the day in the city before flying to Bermuda so will be catching up with another old friend there. I love having people all over the world to stop in an see – makes the layovers a lot less boring.
Have a good week.
Headed north
I am just about to enter Drakes passage for our two day trip to Ushuaia the last trip of the season for Corinthian II. It has been a fun three week working with Danny once again and seeing what life is like on expedition ships. The team with Iggy as Expedition Leader has been such fun to work with with everyone laughing and smiling the whole time. I will write more when I get back online properly and of course post some pictures. For this summer season it is good bye to the great white continent which has basically been my home since 2009. I hope to be back next season maybe aboard a sailing vesel, expedition ship or working for the americans – we shall see what opportunities present themselves. It is now time to head north though to see my nieces and nephew and of course Draeger the dog. I am very much looking forward to 10 days with them in Bermuda.
Leaving Peru headed south
I will write more about Peru at some point but for now I am leaving and headed south to Ushuia to get aboard the cruise ship headed for the Antarctic Peninsula. Will update when I can. Great holiday with my parents but I have also never been so wet! It sure does rain in Peru.
Without computer
My computer spit the dummy and can no longer find the hard drive. Fingers crossed that someone in the UK can get the files off otherwise I have lost all my emails from 7 years, my accounting for my business, all documents and my pictures from south america. So time to buy a new computer. As a result my blog will be very infrequent between now and April.
Currently I am in Lake Tittaccacca Peru which is the highest lake in the world. Two days here then onto Colca Canyon and Arequipa. From the 14th I will be working aboard Corinthian II as an expedition leader for two round trips to the Antarctic Peninsula from Argentina.
Thank you
Thank you everyone for your supportive notes and also a massive thank you to those who supported the charities. We raised enough to send one kid on a week long sailing trip (562 pounds) with the Ellen Macarthur Cancer Trust. Also $500 for the Paws for Patriots program. I am so sorry I didn’t have the energy to do a photo thank you before turning around